Help Needed. Perks Included!
Portage Ringette Association is in Desperate Need of Help on The Board of Directors.
There are currently 5 open positions that we need your help filling. ** NO Experience Needed ** Time Commitments vary depending on position.
- All positions will have training provided and ongoing help as needed.
- Some positions are PAID with a FREE Registration!
- All positions all have different time requirements. Some ongoing, some clustered.
- Board Meetings are monthly from August - Feb (1 - 2 hrs), an April AGM, and once in the summer. Can be optional depending on position. Mix of Physical & Virtual
Please take a look below for a position that is something you would be able to help with.
Vice President - Free Registration
- Attends monthly WRL meetings and speaks for PRA
- Attends yearly WRL and MRA Annual General Meeting
- Helps President with duties
- Monitors PRA functions/activities
Ice Convenor - Free Registration
- Is the PRA rep for Stride Place
- Works with Stride to prepare and schedule ice for practices and home games.
- Works with Ringette Manitoba for scheduling home R4U ice
- Works with WRL for scheduling season games
- Creates practice schedules for the website
- Updates the registration system for the upcoming season
- Takes registrations and payments on registration day and update player accounts
- Provides registration information updates the board regarding numbers, and numbers for each team
Secretary / Director of Officials
- Takes notes at the PRA meetings (can do virtually) and distributes notes to the Board for review
- Coordinate, schedule and provide payments for timekeepers, shot clock operators for home tournaments and games
- Coordinate referee's for home games and home tournament
Publicity Head
- Posts to social media for registration and events
- Updates website with current information
- Posts to the local paper with PRA achievements